What can you do online?
Tithes, multiple designated donation choices,
event ticket purchases or register to volunteer.
Your Donation continues the work of ministry in the Name of Jesus Christ. All of us at St. Thomas More Church bless you and promise to pray for you. The Bible says, God loves a cheerful giver, and those whom He loves, He blesses.
Dedicate the Sanctuary Lamp as a wonderful way to honor and remember your loved ones, living or deceased. The Lamp will burn for seven days and your intention will appear in our STM bulletin and website: STMBB.ORG
Give the consolation of the Holy Mass as an expression of your love and faith. We Offer Unscheduled Masses for Funerals, Anniversaries, Weddings, & First Sacraments. There is no waiting; these Masses are available immediately and offered privately by one of our clergy.