Funeral Price Packages
The final step in life is one many are not prepared for luckily we are. Death is a time for mourning, reliving those memories, forgiveness, and most importantly preparing the soul for its ascendance into heaven. St. Thomas More Catholic Church is here to help guide you through this difficult last step in the process of life.
Liturgical Funeral Mass
Full Mass with Body or Ashes present, Music or Instrumental or just silent Mass with recited words.
Name of the deceased mention In every Mass during prayers of the faithful during the weekend services.
Name to be added to the yearly poster of "All Souls and All Saints".
*Flowers and Decorations - You are responsible for ordering Flowers if you chose the Basic Package. Flowers and decoration must be delivered to the church 1 day before the funeral Mass.
Memorial Bricks Dedication Prices
St. Peregrine Bricks
$300 - Brick
St. Peregrine Wall
$500 - Wall Plaque 12' X 4'
$1,000 - Wall Plaque 12' X 8'
$5,000 - Wall Plaque 12' X 12'
St. Peregrine Black Columns
$1,000 - Wall Plaque 12' X 8'
Grotto Bricks
$650 - Brick
Church Dedications

Saint Peregrine Lamp
Do you know someone who is suffering, going through radiation, chemotherapy treatments, or has lost their battle with cancer and you would like to offer a special dedication to them? Consider our St. Peregrine Lamp in their honor or memory.
The Candle will be offer for seven day and your intention will be published in our bulletin and on our website.
$75 - St. Peregrine Lamp
7-Day Sanctuary Lamp
The Red Sanctuary Lamp by the tabernacle burns to remind us of the sacramental presence of Jesus Christ. It is a mark of honor to remind the faithful of the presence of Christ and is a profession of their love and affection. If you wish to have the Sanctuary Lamp burning in memory of a loved one, make arrangements with the parish Office.
The Cost of the candle is $75. It will burn for 7 days. The memorial will be publish in our bulletin and on our website.
$75 - Sanctuary Lamp